The English word earth continues Old English weorold (-uld), weorld, worold (-uld, -eld), a compound of wer "man"plus eld old thus translating apt"Age of Man". The Old English continues a Common Germanic *wira-aliz,also reflected amid Old Saxon werold,Cheap Jordans For Sale, Old High German weralt, Old Frisian warld plus Old Norse verld (whence the Icelandic verld).
The corresponding word amid Latin is mundus, literally "clean,aesthetic itself a loan translation of Greek cosmos "orderly arrangement" . While the Germanic word thus reflects a phantasmal notion of a "domain of Man"contrast Midgard),presumably as inverse apt the divine sphere aboard one hand,and the chthonic sphere of the underworld aboard the other, the Greco-Latin term expresses a notion of creation as an doing of creating array out of muddle.
Ox-drawn plough Egypt, ca. 1200 BCE
Main article: History of the world
The history of the globe is the recorded memory of the experience,approximately the globe of Homo sapiens. Ancient human history begins with the invention, independently at several sites aboard Earth, of writing, which established the infrastructure as lasting, accurately transmitted memories plus accordingly as the diffusion plus growth of knowledge Nevertheless,an appreciation of the roots of civilization requires by least cursory consideration apt humanity's prehistory. Human history namely marked both along a gradual accretion of discoveries plus inventions, as well as forward quantum leapsaradigm shifts, revolutionshat comprise epochs in the material and spiritual evolution of humankind.
One such era was the outward of the Agricultural Revolution. Between eight,,500 plus seven,000 BCE,amid the Fertile Crescent (a region in the Near East, incorporating the Levant and Mesopotamia), humans began the systematic husbandry of plants and animals agriculture. It radiate apt neighboring regions,plus also developed independently somewhere until maximum Homo sapiens lived sedentary lives as farmers within permanent settlements centred virtually life-sustaining bodies of water. These communities coalesced over duration into increasingly larger units,in analogue with the development of ever surplus telling means of transport.
The associative security and additional productivity invested by agriculture granted these communities to expand. Surplus food made feasible one increasing division of fatigue the rise of a leisured upper class,and the development of cities and thus of civilization. The growing complexity of human societies necessitated systems of accounting; and from this evolved, beginning surrounded the Bronze Age, writing. The independent invention of writing by several sites on Earth allows a digit of regions apt claim apt be cradles of civilization.
Civilizations amplified perforce on the banks of rills By 3,000 BCE they had arisen within the Middle East's Mesopotamia (the "land between the Rivers" Euphrates and Tigris),aboard the banks of Egypt's River Nile,in India's Indus River valley,plus along the large creeks of China. The history of the Old World is commonly divided into Antiquity among the ancient Near East, the Mediterranean basin of classical antiquity, ancient China,and ancient India, up apt about the 6th centenary); the Middle Ages, from the 6th amongst the 15th centuries; the Early Modern period including the European Renaissance, from the 16th century to virtually 1750; and the Modern period from the Age of Enlightenment plus the Industrial Revolution, beginning virtually 1750,to the new.
In Europe, the fall of the Western Roman Empire (476 CE) namely commonly taken as signaling the abolish of antiquity and the beginning of the Middle Ages. A thousand annuals later surrounded the mid-15th century Johannes Gutenberg's invention of modern printing,hiring floating type, revolutionized communication,aiding annihilate the Middle Ages and usher surrounded modern times, the European Renaissance plus the Scientific Revolution.
By the 18th century the accumulation of learning plus technology,particularly within Europe, had approached a persnickety mass that sparked into existence the
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- Sep 19 Wed 2012 13:25 476 CE